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About Swastika Dhakal

Swastika Dhakal is working with the Digital Marketing team at Acefone. She is interested in technology and likes to write on it. She loves to explore historical places, as well.
How hosted phone system is benefiting the healthcare industry.

How Hosted Phone System Is Changing The Healthcare Industry

Communication is a significant part of a business, and businesses dealing with clients are quite familiar with the benefits that a hosted phone provides. However, certain industries are unfamiliar with the capabilities of a cloud-hosted phone. One such sector is the healthcare industry. The healthcare industry is a critical industry where each second matters, a […]

importance of Free phone number for marketing campaigns.

Why Free Phone Number Is A Must Have For Your Marketing Campaign Success

Do you want to know how a free phone number can boost your marketing campaign? Then this blog is the right place for you. A free phone number is a free helpline service that a business provides to people so that they can contact them with their queries without paying for the call. The company […]

cloud communication promotes mobility enhances productivity

How Cloud Communication Promotes Mobility And Enhances Productivity In Your Business

We ditched telephones for mobile phones today because they are portable, and we can access it from anywhere. We know how flexible and efficient mobile phones are and have switched from telephones to mobile phones, especially for personal use. Similarly, it is important for businesses to understand the benefits of adopting the latest communication solutions. Cloud […]

why switch to voip

6 Reasons Why You Should Switch To VoIP

For any business, seamless communication is a must, and without it, a business gets adversely affected. With the evolution of the communication medium, VoIP has proved that it is a necessity for companies because of the number of advantages it offers. It creates a brand image and a considerable customer base, which ultimately will increase […]

business stand out from competition

Top 9 Customer Service Methods To Make Your Business Stand Out

Do you think that you will stand out from your competitors by following the same business strategy as theirs’? There are thousands of businesses that offer the same products or services like yours. But the challenge is, how can you make your business stand out from your competitors? What extra mile can you go for […]

improve customer service in 2020

How To Improve Customer Service In 2024: 10 Easy Ways

A business runs through its customers. Customers must be the top priority of any business organisation. Customer service helps in achieving customer’s trust by filling the communication gap between the business organisations and its customers. Customer service has evolved over the last decade by the introduction of various technologies like contact center software, IVR, and […]

choose hosted phone system provider for business

10 Ways To Choose A Hosted Phone System Provider For Your Business

Cloud technology has undergone continuous advancements over the years, which explains why organisations have recently been switching to cloud-based communication systems. The hosted phone system encompasses all the innovations and benefits of cloud technology. Hosted phone offers a lot of benefits to businesses of any size. It is cost-efficient, highly scalable, reliable, and also flexible. It […]

why buisness needs free phone number

6 Reasons Why Your Business Needs A Free Phone Number

Well, who wouldn’t enjoy free calls to get their problem solved? Free phone number is an excellent service of cloud telephony. But what exactly a free phone number is? It is a service offered by businesses, in which free helpline numbers are provided to the customers. So, that they can reach out to the company […]

hosted vs on premise phone system

Hosted vs. On-premise Phone System: What To Choose?

The introduction of VoIP has changed the way businesses communicate. Statistics suggest small businesses that have switched to VoIP save 40% on local calls and 90% on international calls. Choosing the right business phone can be a confusing task when there is a variety of business phones with various features available. We are going to […]

ways to improve call centre team productivity

10 Ways To Improve Team Productivity At Your Call Centre [Infographic]

The performance of your call center directly depends on the performance of your team. A productive team works effectively to reach the company’s goal. We already know the importance of having a productive team, but how do we achieve it? How to transform a group of individuals into a team? This infographic lists ten ways […]