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About Acefone Editor

Acefone provides a broad range of cloud communication services to businesses of all sizes, which includes Hosted Phone Systems, Free Phone Numbers, and Cloud Contact Center Solutions. Being the UK's leading provider of VoIP service provider, we always strive to provide excellent customer service and high-quality custom solutions to our customers.
how cloud communication can help you in planning a wedding

How Voice Broadcasting can help You have a Memorable Wedding

First things first: Weddings are exclusive affairs that everyone enjoys to the fullest. But planning a wedding? Not an easy task! From curating a guest list to looking after decor, there are several elements that need to be taken care of. In fact, Zig Zigler, one of the most successful American authors, once said, “Many people […]

everything you need to know about ivr 1 768x393

Everything You Need to Know About IVR: Definition, Working, Benefits and Limitations with Examples

In today’s digital age, IVR (Interactive Voice Response) system with modernized calling technology has become vital in developing and advancing businesses across different platforms. Not only it allows callers to resolve issues with self-service options, but it also saves up on the company’s precious resources like time and money. However, riddled with limitations, a poorly designed […]

Why Millenials are Rapidly Adopting Cloud Technology 1

Why Millenials are Rapidly Adopting Cloud Technology

We regularly come across terms like baby boomers, Gen Z, and millennials in multiple conversations about ‘generational gaps’ and the tech-savviness of millennials are often one of the points of discussion.  For the uninitiated, millennial refers to anyone who was born between 1980 and 2000, effectively putting them in the age bracket of 21-41 currently. […]

how Acefone’s features ensure easy and seamless calling

Understanding Parallel Ringing: Definition, Benefits and Working

As the name suggests, parallel ringing or simultaneous ringing enables business call centers to automatically redirect incoming calls to all contact center agents. In simpler terms, it sends calls to every available agent and has the fastest one answer. Essentially, parallel ringing allows brands to respond to their customers and prospective callers at a much […]

top 5 practices to offer better self service

Top 5 Practices to Offer Better Self-Service

Self-service technologies or SSTs are service interfaces that a customer can use without the help of an operator.  An ATM (Automated Teller Machine) was the first self-service technology introduced to us. It replaced the people who usually dispense money at banks or help us check our account balance.  In fact, the self-service technology market was […]

DDoS Attacks What are They and How to Secure your Systems Against One 768x432

DDoS Attacks: What are They and How to Secure your Systems Against One

In the world of cybercrime, targeting of businesses is commonplace.  It is not just large businesses that are threatened by such attacks. Unfortunately, whether an organisation is big or small, the vulnerability exists. And it is important to be cognizant of disruptions that such attacks can bring about.  This is certainly an important topic for […]

top features of zoho crm integration with hosted phone system

Top Features of Zoho CRM Integration with your Hosted Phone System

Zoho’s Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is an award-winning omnichannel platform that helps businesses convert more leads, engage effectively with customers, and much more. Zoho CRM brings together all of a business’s customer service, communications, and information in one place. To easily access and refer to customer data on the go, you can integrate your hosted […]

Call Forwarding What is It and Why is It a Must for Your Business 768x393

Call Forwarding: What is It and Why is It a Must for Your Business?

Let’s say, you are in a long meeting and don’t want to be disturbed. But you’re also expecting an important call from a client that you just can’t afford to miss. What do you do? Simple—you redirect the incoming call to an alternate number that belongs to a colleague or a supervisor and let them […]

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5 Ways to Boost Customer Satisfaction Through Text IVR Surveys

Customer satisfaction and customer surveys According to Microsoft’s Global State of Customer Service Report, 90% of Americans use customer service as a factor in deciding whether or not to do business with a company. Needless to say, customer satisfaction should be the topmost priority of every business, regardless of the kind of products and services they offer. […]

Skill Based Routing is the Secret to Call Centre Success 768x393

Skill-Based Routing is the Secret to Call Centre Success

Although there are many contenders for the top position among modern call centre solutions, skill-based call routing has to be one of the main ones. With skill-based call routing, the future of call routing is here. Skill-based routing is a cloud telephony feature that analyses customer data when a call comes in and automatically routes the caller […]