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About Kritagya Pandey

Kritagya Pandey is a creative and technical content writer, editor, and strategist. She has been writing on customer experience, customer service, artificial intelligence, cloud communication, and more. She invests her time researching the current business, market trends, and studying about social media strategies.
Customer Service Stats Infographic

15 Customer Service Stats You Just Can’t Ignore [Infographic]

Ever wondered why most people visit their favourite coffee place again and again? Why is it that some brands are able to retain most of their customers? And, more so, how can one ensure the same customer sticks with them in the long run? The answer lies in the degree of customer service brands offer […]

why remote working is here to stay

6 Reasons Why Remote Working Isn’t Just For Lockdown, It’s Here To Stay

We are navigating through some uncertain times right now. The outbreak of COVID-19 needs companies to increase corporate resilience, ensure the safety of their employees and do it all virtually! COVID-19 has reset major work trends and compelled HR leaders to rethink employee management, planning, performance, and strategies. Most of the enterprises across the globe […]

business continuity plan

How To Create An Effective Business Continuity Plan?

In 2005, Hurricane Katrina suddenly and strongly swept through American states, damaging everything in its course. Among the businesses affected was the law firm, Breazeale Sachse & Wilson LLP. They had faced considerable losses, including access to client and business data. The firm confirmed they had no data backup strategy, nor did they save the […]