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About Ritwik Raj

Ritwik is a fitness enthusiast with a bachelor’s degree in computer applications. He discovered his passion for storytelling while writing articles for his fitness blog. After which, he decided to switch to full-time writing, exploring his capabilities as a professional writer. He is now practicing his skills as a senior content writer at Acefone Software pvt ltd. to bring words to life.
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A Complete Guide to Contact Centers and Running Them Successfully

Remember the 2006 Hollywood film Outsourced? The protagonist Todd flew all the way from the US to a small town in India to set up a call center for his company. This was pretty much how things worked back in the early 2000s—while globalisation had enabled multinational corporations to take advantage of lower wages in […]

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Expert Opinion: Deirdre Martin on how happy employees are key to happy customers

In a world where technology is becoming increasingly affordable, customer experience is one of the biggest differentiators among SaaS players. There is one thing, however, that most tech companies miss: If your employees are disgruntled or poorly looked after, they will never be able to keep your customers happy. Reasserting this belief, CX expert Deirdre […]