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About Yukti Verma

Yukti is a content marketing enthusiast with a soft spot for Saas. She loves weaving complicated concepts into simple stories. When not at work, she is found reading books or watching movies.

Why Is Call Forwarding One Of The Most Important Features of Cloud Based Phone System?

You don’t need to be a business tycoon to know that communication is the key to a successful business. Even core functions like management and operations need a strong communication system to perform well. Such efficiency ensures a smooth flow of information within and between different departments of an organisation. When we say communication, we […]


5 Common Customer Service Complaints and Tips To Handle Them

When it comes to customer service, complaints come with the territory. It is how you handle complaints that sets you apart from the competition. A customer complaint is not necessarily the end of the relationship with that customer. When handled correctly, it could actually strengthen the relationship and encourage them to recommend your brand to […]