Entries by Yukti Verma

How Parties and Politicians Can Use Cloud Telephony for Better Campaigning?

The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed the way businesses operate, yes. They have adopted remote work and implemented several state-of-the-art technologies to emerge from this pandemic successfully.  Apart from businesses, however, other entities are also striving to overcome challenges imposed by the pandemic. With elections around the corner, how do political parties gear up for campaigning […]

5 Features to Look Forward to While Choosing Your UCaaS Providers

Technology keeps evolving and so do the requirements to stay on par with it. At times, you may outgrow your technological capabilities and need more resources.  For example, your small business may have functioned exemplarily on a traditional communication system. However, the need for a unified communication platform arises as your workforce grows along with […]

Enhance Your Social Media Marketing with Cloud Tools

In today’s world, social media is an unavoidable medium of communication. People of all age groups use this platform for various purposes, from networking to reaching out to a brand of their choice. Due to its ubiquitous presence, marketers began to utilise its power for empowering their marketing initiatives.  Maintaining an active online presence helps […]

7 Benefits of Softphones

Consider this: a customer repeatedly tries to contact a business representative, only to find that they are unavailable. This customer, a UK resident, has been trying to reach an agent in Los Angeles. Owing to the difference in time zones, the representative is unable to attend to the customer.  Although the brand has maintained a […]

How Free Phone Number Is Secure?

Undeniably, the current business scenario would come to a complete standstill if it wasn’t for the telephones. Phone lines have widespread uses that include connecting your employees, knitting your target audience with your brand, and vice versa.  This being the situation, your business would take a back seat if you were to overlook phone lines. […]

Unified Communication In The Retail Market: Case Studies

The retail industry was one of the worst-hit during the COVID-19 pandemic. With stringent social distancing and lockdown regulations, brick-and-mortar stores were struggling to equip themselves for such a huge transition––going contactless.  Several retailers have been focusing on maintaining an online presence. However, solely depending on one medium of communication is a challenge. Retailers need […]

6 Egg-cellent Ways To Promote Easter Using The Cloud

Festivals play an important role in bringing together customers and building strong relationships. Seasonal marketing, an umbrella term used to describe this endeavour, attracts consumers and boosts business sales.  One can easily say, holidays and celebrations are always great motivators to spend more. And most businesses will leave no stone unturned to grab attention.  According […]

How Remote Employees Can Ensure Better Cloud Security?

The COVID-19 pandemic led many businesses to transition to the cloud. Though some companies preferred a hybrid working model, maintaining an exclusively remote ecosystem has become mandatory since the pandemic.  Cloud communication is the first source of support any business can turn to when considering remote work. This communication system comes with a myriad of […]

Distributing the COVID-19 Vaccine: Handling Logistic Challenges with CCaaS and UCaaS

Currently, we are witnessing one of the greatest logistical challenges of our time—the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine across the globe. While the prospect of an effective vaccine brings with it a lot of excitement and hope, the reality is that distribution companies have quite a lot of roadblocks to overcome.  Businesses are taking different […]

How Relevant Is Video Communication In The Post-COVID-19 World. Is It Here To Stay Even After People Go Back To The Office?

2020 is over but some of the challenges that the year brought with itself still loom over us. The pandemic severely impacted several organisations. While some continue to overcome the setback, some were even forced to shut shop.  With new norms like social distancing and contactless transactions, organisations world over have been looking for effective […]

Top Most Hosted Call Centre Statistics That Will Make You Shift To The Cloud

Contact centers are an integral component of organisations. They help facilitate seamless communication between the target audience and your business. And considering how important support interactions are, you shouldn’t leave any stone unturned to deliver the best of customer experiences. Callers value contact centers that offer round-the-clock-availability, approachable representatives, and prompt resolutions. Businesses, on the […]

Do’s & Don’ts For Curating Your Voicemail Greeting

The first experiences your customers have with your business are the deciding factor when it comes to customer retention. Your contact center plays a pivotal role in creating these experiences.  When a customer contacts you for the first time, their buyer journey––starting from the greeting till the call is disconnected––reflects the credibility and professionalism of […]

How UCaaS Eliminates Virtual Team Communication Challenges?

Seamless communication between the moving parts of an organisation plays an important role in defining its success. In the present-day scenario, remote work is not just preferred, it’s vital. With several companies shutting shop due to the pandemic, business owners have begun to consider extended remote work seriously.  However, even before the pandemic, there were […]